When we release doves at a graveside committal, it is to represent the deceased persons soul being released and carried "home" to God. We know it's symbolic and the doves just fly back to where they are fed and not off to heaven. Or do they?
It was a funeral like many others. The family had gathered around the grave. After the Reverend had committed the body to the ground and told the loved ones to leave all there unfinished business in the ground with him, he stepped aside and let the dove handler have the spotlight. One by one, she handed the three doves to the key family members. One dove in particular was being squirmy. It was difficult for the gentleman to hold him while she said her verses. Then upon cue, they released the doves and thereby released there father. Only the squirmy dove flew right up to a branch above the grave. As the other doves circled to get their bearings and then flew home, the one continued to sit above the grave.
As usual when something happens like this, someone will make a joke that "He doesn't want to go to Heaven".
With that, they decided that they wanted to witness the lowering of the casket. So we obliged them and slowly lowered their father into his final resting place. The dove, continued to sit there.
A son proclaimed that the job wasn't finished yet and that we needed to seal the grave. So we lowered the vault lid into position. As the vault sealed, we heard the flapping of wings and the dove flew away.
Was that man's soul really in that bird that day?
Did he stick around to witness his own burial?
Did he fly away to heaven on the wings of a dove?
Beautiful story. My best-friend's daughter died in a tragic auto accident a few years ago, and we released doves for her...we got the doves and released them from a spot in the backyard where Jeannie had loved to sit and read. It soon become hysterical as these white doves returned every day to the backyard. We don't know what went wrong, but it made us laugh. I guess they liked the backyard! In truth, there was comfort in it...as if it was a sign that Jeannie was still with us.
I work for an animal welfare charity. I can't really condone using doves like this. It's a romantic notion, and I can see the appeal, but I prefer to let (insert name of preferred deity here) create his/her own signs if the mourners really need one.
I bet you have a few tales of 'natural signs' don't you?
The dove probably decided that there wasn't going to be a any food after the box and top were buried so it went home. I would think that the man's soul wouldn't have lingered for days to just sit in a tree and watch the burial. I hope that the afterlife is more appealing than that!
There have often been strange coincidences that seem to only be explained by the presence of something else.
You know I don't disagree with you. But we are not in a position to tell people that they can't have it.
I would hope so too
You can't control nature. And if that's how we can manage to communicate after we're gone, then I guess it will have to do.
What a beautiful and magical moment for everyone present!
what a nice tradition...i think the bird just wanted to hang around until all was finished!
a few years back, one of my clients...a young girl who had many health problems (she wasn't supposed to live past 5, but passed away at 13!!)...at her service, her parents released butterflies!!!! i thought that was the most beautiful thing! it gave me the chills!!
OH and by the way, i never knew those kind of joints weree called dove tails! really??
I think the dove was probably squeezed too hard by the family member and had to catch it's breath!
Oh Stew, you have to write a book!!
On the wings of a snow white dove.......!
Let me tell you what happened the day I laid my Mother's ashes to rest 2 months after her passing in 1998, because the ground was thawed and the hole could be dug much easier...you understand this fact I'm sure.
Well, my father passed in 1952 in an airplane crash while readying for the Korean War. When my mother's ashes were being placed in the ground a plane flew overhead, very low and very loud....I had shivers and still do....everyone looked up and then looked at each other...we all were thinking the same thing...my Dad!
That is a great story.
It doesn't matter who was in that plane at that moment. For you, it will always be your father or under the direction of him. And that, is what matters.
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