What an odd month May was. It was absolutely beautiful in our little corner of the world. Each day brought more warm sunshine on my face. The thing about the funeral business is, when the weather is good, people tend to stick around a little longer. That translates to very few deaths.
With all the funeral homes that we work for, there still was very few days that I got to get up in the morning and bury someone.
Oh, there were a few days when the skies opened up and spread a little rain on the gardens. And you can bet, those were the days that I had to stand out in the parking lot telling people how to line up behind the car before them.But for the most part, it was a wonderful month to be alive. The time off afforded me the opportunity to visit my mother's grave in up state Michigan and the grave of my mother-in-law in Wisconsin. May, as you know is when both our mothers died and is also when we celebrate Mother's Day. So it was nice to be able to do both of those. We were able to make it all the way to Minnesota for the most memorable wedding that I've ever been to. And finally to visit the Wisconsin Dells. What an amazing place.
But here we are, it June already. This month has started out pretty violent weather wise. And you know, that means that I've been working my butt off with funerals. But after the funeral this morning, Edward and I are going to escape on one more little adventure. "An Adventure to Glory" we're calling it.
I will recap all the fun after our return, but you will have to be patient because it's going to be a while.
Along the way, I will post where we are going next but you'll have to tune in later to hear about our adventures.
Can you guess where we are starting out by the photos above?
If not, the photos below are a sure give away. We planned this trip as a big birthday adventure for my loving husband. This year is quite a big number when it comes to birthdays and we wanted to celebrate it right.
When we found out that our first destination city was having their Pride celebration on his birthday, we knew then and there, this was where we would start out for our Adventure to Glory.
You see, back in 2005 after having been together for nearly 7 years, Edward asked me to marry him. Gay marriage had just become legal in Ontario, Canada right next door to our backwards state. We made a lifetime commitment to each other during the Toronto Pride Celebration with two of our close friends at our side. We then celebrated with a small parade where over a million people were in attendance. So, for this momentous birthday, I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate than to invite another million of our Boston friends to hit the streets and party along with us.

Then after the incident with the Marathon, I think Boston has a little more to celebrate than just Ed's birthday or Gay Pride. I can't wait to witness Boston Strong first hand. Our hotel is two blocks from the finish line of the race. A place that has been a symbol for strength and endurance for many years. A place that should be celebrated. It's now a place where Bostonians can come and say "We are stronger than this!" A place where people can be proud.
So, for this years big adventure. We are starting out strong and proud. Stick with us as we journey to some wonderful historic lands and delight in the people that we meet along the way.
If you're in the Boston area this weekend and would like to meet up for coffee, comment below or email me and we'll work out the details. I love to meet my readers.
Now that will be a BIRTHDAY celebration! Have fun guys and talk soon!!
Boston is a wonderful city. IT's five and a bit years since we were there last. It's an amazing place.
If you get the chance to stop off at Mystic Seaport en route (I assume it's a road trip) it's another fantastic destination.
But enjoy yourselves wherever you go.
I guess because everyone drives the coast, we've actually decided to fly this time! I will not be behind the wheel of a car again for 2 weeks! Life is good.
I'm looking forward to hearing more about your "adventures"!
Meeee toooo
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