For an idea of where this is, here is a link on google maps...,+-88.346912&num=1&t=h&vpsrc=0&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=17.76458,-88.34666&spn=0.002641,0.004823&z=18&iwloc=A
This alter is situated at the top of that structure.
(Planking is when you lie on something face down with your arms and legs extended and stiffen your body. It's complete by having someone take your picture while doing it.)
This is the view from up top.Back on the ground, I couldn't believe that I had just climbed that and planked on top!
This was our luxurious bus. The seats were hard, the air barely worked and the shocks were shot. And we've already discussed the "road". While driving back, someone in the group had the nerve to complain about the ride and I couldn't help but think that we are in a third world country, in the middle of the jungle, visiting ruins from up to 4000 years ago. And you want to complain about the ride?! I thought it added to the adventure and would have been happy with less. At least we didn't have to carry the chicken on our lap for lunch when we got there.
Speaking of lunch, I was really craving some nachos with real salsa. This was made with very little tomato and had cucumber, onion, peppers and lime juice. Yes, lime juice! It was delicious.
Ed opted for an authentic beer, made right there in Belize called Belikin Beer.
Back on board the ship, we got our second towel animal. An elephant!
Then it was off into the sunset to our next adventure.
Stay tuned....
Looks like you both got a sunburn! Love the ruins photos! Looked like there weren't too many people there?!
So I take it you would recommend a cruise, Stew? We have often thought about it but wondered if we would like it.
yes.. you have a "farmers" glo about you.....
perhaps it was the beer!
yikes! see what happens when i get a little behind...(no, i didn't say i HAVE a little behind...i said i GOT a little behind...i haven't kept up with my reading!) i have some back pedaling to do!
AUTHENTIC beer AND salsa!! sounds good to me!
i'm glad they're no longer using that alter for sacrificing... :/
i like that little elephant towel...i wonder if they learn to do that at the same school that teaches animal balloons!
beautiful sunset.....
OH! and i LOVE ruins too!!
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