I was saving this big announcement for later. But today's topic on the 30 day blog challenge is: Something you're looking forward to.
So here it is........
Just before Halloween this year, we will be heading out for a little drive together with a very good friend of ours to New Orleans. We've wanted to see some of those cemeteries there for a long time. And we find the history and spirit of that city to be intriguing. We are planning on catching a ghost tour while we are there just for a little fun. If that were not enough, we will then be boarding a ship for a week long cruise that will take us to two places on the Mexican coast as well as Belize and Honduras. We will be traveling with a group and have some private parties on board as well as a private beach party in Mexico. The two singers that I wrote about before,
Jason and DeMarco will be headlining the entertainment.
After getting a taste of what cruising could be last year with our parents, we are really looking forward to this one. My only job on this cruise will be to have fun. One of our best friends is coming along and we'll be free to enjoy any of the festivities going on. Which includes a Halloween costume party. It is a regular cruise, but we will be joined by other gay and lesbian people for private shows, games and parties along the way.
Many people that cruise, cruise often. I'm not so sure that is something that I want to do. But since we did not get to enjoy ourselves much last year, it's left us wanting for something more. And if nothing else, getting to spend time with our friend Jamie as well as Jason and DeMarco will be worth it.
sounds like a good time you have planned and something to look forward to! As fast as time goes these days, October will be here before you know it!! And good time to go with the weather too I do believe!
How fun for you both and I hope you both have a wonderful time. Any ideas on costumes?
Hope you have a great time. I've got as far as day 3 on the 30 day challenge. It's an interesting thing to do and has triggered a lot of comments!
Aimee said: Sounds like a LOT of fun! Brian & I are really into ghost hunting ... our favorite place is Savannah, GA, and have been there 4 times. Too much to do with just one visit. If you ever want to consider going there, I have a friend (also gay) who lives in Savannah & I am sure he would be overjoyed to meet some friends of mine who are DOWN & would show you a great time from an insider's view :)
I'm hoping that the weather will be good that time of year. And No, I haven't really nailed down any great ideas for a costume yet. I'm sure I'll come up with something.
Jamie said...You know I already have my bags packed for the cruise.
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